The Multiverse.
The multiverse project was created as a response to an ISTD brief. The brief was to reignite interest in numbers as they are in all aspects of our lives. I chose to focus on the universe and the multiverse. The multiverse concept is fascinating as there are so many theories to the possibilities of its existence. My focus was on the ideas discussed by Brane Theory and, therefore, String Theory.
As the ISTD set the original brief, a strong focus was placed on the importance of typographic and layout design in the outcome. As a result, an extensive understanding of typography, hierarchy and grid systems was needed to complete the brief. The project result is a circular concertina folded book. The grid system rotates as our solar system does, and the illustrations rotate at the rate they would in 1 Earth year. Therefore, every illustrative page is within a new season.

'So remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and hold on to that childlike wonder about what makes the universe exist'
- Stephen Hawking